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Dogs wagging their tails has become a symbol of happy pups everywhere. When our pups greet us at the door after work, when they get excited during playtime or hear our voice after a long time apart, a fast moving tail is often our dog’s way of communicating that they are happy to see us.
But believe it or not, dogs don’t just wag their tail when they are happy. Dogs use their tail for a whole range of reasons, and the way they use it often communicates different feelings that they are experiencing, whether positive or negative.
We are going to shed some light on the reasons why a dog might wag their tail, what different types of tail movements can mean and how dogs who don’t have tails may communicate how they are feeling in different ways.
Dogs use their tails as a way of communicating with us as they can’t do it verbally. Body language is present in all creatures, and each type of animal has their own way of using their body to express their feelings. Humans may smile, nod or cross their arms, while a dog might wag their tail or put their tail between their legs - same idea but different execution.
Similarly to how we as humans tend to focus on reading another human's facial expressions, the slightest change in a dog’s tail movements can give us an indication as to how their mood may be shifting, and so knowing the signs to look out for will help us better understand our dog and meet their needs.
The way in which dogs wag their tail is often nuanced and specific to a certain feeling or behaviour, such as feeling happy, calm, agitated or aggressive. As pet parents it is up to us to learn the different signals our dog’s tail gives us so we can intercept any issues if needed and help them work through certain emotions.
Here are some of the ways your dog’s tail may wag or move if they are feeling:
When a dog is content, happy or excited, their tail tends to be poised in a neutral position, with the base parallel to the ground, the tail will then swish from side to side in sweeping motions, getting faster the more excited they become. Sometimes it may seem like they are about to take off, as their tail may start to spin around like the top of a helicopter, much to the amusement of those around them!
A super happy pup will often fully embody their wag, meaning that it is not just the tail that moves but the body as well. You may notice their hips getting involved in the wiggling or their entire body might wriggle from side to side - this is often prevalent in dogs with shorter or no tails, as there is less tail to wag, meaning more full body wiggles are required.
Dogs that are relaxed will often have a relaxed tail that doesn’t move at all. Tail wagging is often a response to a heightened emotion or stimuli, and so if your pup is at peace they won't feel the need to express their feelings through movement - they’ll just take it nice and easy.
A curious pooch doesn’t tend to wag their tail, instead they usually have their tail pointing straight out behind them on alert. This stance may also be paired with perked up ears or a wrinkled up nose as they catch the scent or sight of something that has got their attention.
Submission is a state by which a dog will respond to a threat by making themselves smaller or showing that they themselves are not a threat in an attempt to keep themselves safe and reduce the risk of getting hurt. A dog in a submissive state will often lower their tail and tuck it between their legs, and if this action is accompanied by a wagging of the tip of the tail, this can mean that your dog is frightened and may need comfort or for you to intervene in the situation.
If your dog wants to avoid something or someone and doesn’t feel like interacting, they tend not to wag their tail, they will instead simply move away or engage in displacement behaviours such as sniffing or grooming themselves. This dog is sending a clear message that they need some alone time, and if you or others try and break into their personal space at this time, what starts out as placid avoidance can lead them to become agitated or even aggressive - pups need space now and then just like we do.
Very often a dog who is feeling provoked or aggressive will move their tail to a stiff, upright position and may wave their tail in tight, fast motions the more agitated they become. This is a warning sign to anyone around them that they could lash out if you get too close, and a dog who is in an obvious state of aggression should never be approached to avoid risk of serious injury.
This tail behavior is often accompanied by other body language such as growling, freezing or walking slowly forward, they may have their ears pinned back against their head, or they may stare intently or even bare their teeth.
It is important to remember that not all dogs have tails, whether they were born without them, lost them due to injury or illness, or perhaps they are a breed that naturally have very short tails, it is worth recognizing how tailless dogs may communicate slightly differently.
These dogs have to rely on other ways to tell us how they are feeling, and luckily have usually perfected a whole host of body language signals to help us understand what they are feeling. Some common signals that your dog may use to warn you of their behavior include their facial expressions and eye movements, how they hold their ears or the stance they stand in, how they move (slow, fast, creeping) as well as how they vocalize, such as growling, barking or whimpering.
While many of us simply associate tail wagging with a happy, friendly pup, it is important to be aware that this isn’t always the case. Dogs use their tails to communicate a range of different feelings, including anxiety, agitation and aggression, so knowing the signs of your dog’s tail can help you better communicate with your pooch, give you greater insight into their overall body’s language and help you meet their needs if they are experiencing certain overwhelming emotions.
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